Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Question of the day.

Why is my dog suddenly bringing the last mouthful of her food out the the kitchen and leaving it there?  Is she feeling my stress and losing her appetite?  Or is she trying to make me feel better with food? She walks out of the laundry room with a mouth full of kibble, lays it on the floor and then walks away.

It is driving me nuts, lol.  It's like she is trying to share with me or something.  *Thank you Dolce but California Natural Lamb and Rice dog food won't taste good either*

One benefit of stress is the fact that my summer clothes might actually fit me.  Not exactly the way I planned to go about losing the 10 pounds I gained from my foot surgery but whatever. 

I know that My God is bigger than anything I can conceive or worry about.  I know He is in control.  In my mind and in my heart I know this.  Now if I could just convince the pit in my stomach of this we would be all good.  *sigh*


  1. I hear you about the head knowledge needing to reach the abdominal region.

  2. she probably just wants to share

    its like when i go out to a restuarant & bring back a doggie-bag back, but no-one in my household will touch as "they don't like leftovers"

    its probably nothing to do with that all when it comes to dolce, i just found a platform to vent, sorry ;)

  3. LOL Tim. I would share leftovers with you. I am adventurous like that :) However I do draw the line at dog kibble. Blech.

  4. Ok, I had the wrong link! I kept checking and only seeing the last entry you made about Facebook... I'm so out of the loop!! I better fix the link I have for you back on my own blog. Whoopsie! I think it's really cute that your puppy wants to offer you food to console you... what a sweetie pie. Why are you so stressed? :(
