I would love to be relaxing, hiking, shopping, chilling with the fam. Instead we are prepping our house to be sold. Why is it that all the stuff you would like to do for your house suddenly becomes prioity one when you have to sell? Painting the stairwell, painting the entryway, building an enclosure for the dogs, painting the trim, cleaning the carpets, servicing the furnace, cleaning the windows, making drapes for the bedroom windows that are nine million inches tall so no standard drapes will fit them, buying wood blinds for the living room windows that are odd sized and so will cost an arm and a leg but will look nice so therefore...replacing the shower heads, planting flowers...the list goes on FOREVER. Not to mention de-personalizing the entire space so that it looks like a model home. And all of this so that someone else can walk in and say, "Oh I love this place!" Yeah, me too.
I don't want to move. But we have to move. The economy has caught us and we are facing a significant reduction in income over the next couple of months. So, we are selling our home. We planned on selling after I was done with school anyway, but somehow I am not ready just yet to let go of it. All.I.Do.Is.Cry. I love my neighborhood. We have lived here the longest of any place since we have been married. I just started to feel like maybe this place could be my home. (It's hard when you move around a lot.)
I missed this one entry, Ronna. Sorry you have to go through this. Praying it sells fast so you can move on. Bless you and hugs to you.