Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Waiting to hear about my nursing school application is like being at tribal council....for eternity.

It has now been nine and a half weeks since I turned in my application for nursing school and still, nothing. Not a whisper, not a stirring, nothing. I have never felt so in limbo in my LIFE. I had an actual full blown panic attack the other day in statistics class, between this, and some other life stuff that is going on. A friend asked how I was doing and when I tried to talk to her about it, I found that I actually could not breathe.

I met with my nursing school adviser today who assures me that I am a shoo in (all the while making contingency plans for the fall). I can't buy into her words. I need to see the proof. If she were on the committee perhaps I would be more comforted but alas, she is not.

So here I sit. Finally comfortable in a math class (statistics of all things), hating my philosophy class, indifferent about my english class, feeling reeeeeeaaaallllyy out of place in my sociology class (if I were 18 perhaps I would be wide eyed enough for that stuff) and really, really despising my speech class. I feel for that old man, none of the 18 year olds in there take the subject matter seriously. And they are the ones who really need it.

My back, if it were a road map, would tell a story of the stress in my life. And my neck. I haven't run in almost 2 weeks because of the constant migraine.

Please, please won't you just tell us? In or out. Either way. Just stop this madness and end the torture. I have better things to do with my life than feel like Jeff Probst is about to enter my living room any second and say, "The Tribe Has Spoken."

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