Thursday, March 25, 2010

Low blood sugar sucks

I don't know if you have ever had low blood sugar but as a frequent suffer of this ailment I can assure you it is no picnic. One minute you feel fine, the next you feel like you are going to pass out, puke, shake apart and die all at the same time. All of this followed quickly by a raging migraine for me. A normal fasting blood sugar should be anywhere from 80 to 100 dl. Mine will frequently fall down below 60 dl which is approaching a critical low. It's an uncomfortable feeling, It often happens within a couple hours of a meal which is frustrating. It is frightening when I do not have any fast acting carbs on hand (I try and keep some glucose handy at all times).

It happened tonight, just a few minutes ago. One second I am fine, the next, all of my muscles feel like they are about to seize up on me. Uh oh...grab the glucometer and BAM. Blood sugar of 62. If I had waited 10 minutes it would have been in the 40's. I grabbed the honey jar and quickly spooned in two heaping tablespoons of honey and grabbed a glass of milk and I am now eating eggs and toast for the protein. Protein helps to maintain the sugar levels longer. I hope that I don't wake up with a low in the middle of the night. They ususally come in clusters. This could be a long night. I wish I could get in to see an endocrinologist but in this town, unless you are diabetic you are out of luck. Hypoglycemia doesn't count.

20 minute recheck puts me at 88 dl which is much better. Maybe I will be able to sleep. Please God, let me sleep tonight...

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