Friday, June 11, 2010

For Lisa, because she asked and I am that way.  A picture of this innocent looking face.  Under this innocent face lurks the heart of a two year old.  Or maybe a teenager.  I haven't decided yet. 

All I know is that most of the time this face makes up for whatever naughtiness she has wrought.  Even with a little dog snot thrown in on the nose for good measure.  :) 


  1. I have no clue how to change to a "designer" template. heavy sigh.

    Still glad to be petless but happy you are happy with yours

    Have a wonnnnnnnnnnnnnnderful weekend, Ronna!

  2. I think I just clicked on the boxes and then VOILA! I had a "designer" template. It was pretty tech savvy free, lol. I wish I could make it one of my own pictures, that would be super neato!!

    With the weather we are predicted to have there's no way I can NOT have a good weekend Gail!! :)
