Saturday, April 17, 2010

It's three nineteen am and I am awake.

Sometimes I wonder if this is just a part of getting older.  Most times I just think it's because my body hurts and sleep eludes me when my body hurts.  10 novocaine shots will do that to a jaw.  Funny, she can't get me numb and then after she finally does it feels like I have gone 12 rounds with Sugar Ray Leonard for about a week afterward. 

I wish I had known that my body was going to revolt in my 40's, I would have enjoyed my 20's and 30's oh so much more.  I would have been more adventurous and less fearful.  I would have gone skydiving and bungee jumping.  I would have skiied more and worried less.  I would have run.  I would have played.  I would have lived. 

I feel like I say "ow" too much when in truth I say it only about 1/10th of the time that I really feel pain.  If I told my husband how often this broken body of mine really feels like just taking a breather I think he would just call the nursing home now.  I refuse to give in to it.

Except at three nineteen am.  Then I just get angry.  I would like to at least sleep.  I don't think that is asking too much


  1. Oh, hope you’ll be able to sleep ok soon & no the nursing home is many decades away for you. :)

  2. Having worked in nursing homes, I think I would rather go the euthanasia route, lol. I slept like the dead last night. It was amazing. I actually don't think I moved once.

    And I love you for saying MANY decades away. You just made my whole day :D

  3. It's not asking too much. Not at all. I don't know how you keep up with yourself, not at all, not even a little.

    And I love the real housewives of ny too. is it too much to think someday we'll have a girls night marathon?
