Thursday, April 15, 2010

I know I have been griping about how long this semester has been but...

Holy cow there are only a few days left and I just realized how much work I have to do in those few days.  Papers to write, finals to study for, quizzes and tests to take BEFORE finals can be taken.  I just want to stop and breathe for a minute, but I can't because if I do I will fall behind.  

And I am sort of bummed because in order to stay on track for graduation I have to take classes all summer.  Granted they are mostly online classes but classes nonetheless so no real break for me. (except for the two classes I decided to audit to refresh my memory, those will be M-Th 7:30-12:00.  What was I thinking...) I think the biggest drain on my body right now is the fact that I am carpooling with my hub to save gas three days a week which means I spend all day at school and then have to come home and do my homework on top of that.  I really can't focus on it at school in his office, too many distractions.  At least fall semester my class load won't be like it is now.  Which is a funny statement considering I will be starting nursing school but it will all be stuff I have done for years so basically review.  I think the hardest class will be pathopharmocology.  And yes that is a word.  

I can't wait until all I have to do is go to work and come home and there isn't any studying waiting for me at the end of the day.    I know it's all a part of the bigger picture but I am le tired.  And old.  There's a reason they give babies and college to the young.  They're young.

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