So after a very busy but surprisingly refreshing summer, I came home and in a whirlwind I: packed up my household goods and sent them to Maui, moved into my *very small apartment*, has to put my dog to sleep and moved my youngest into the dorms for the last time. Literally all within the space of 8 days. To say I was stressed would be an understatement. I lost 10 pounds in 5 days. I, was a wreck. I still haven't dealt with the death of my dog. I've had her since she was 7 weeks old and she was just shy of her 12th birthday. She was a wonderful loving girl and I miss her terribly. My husband is 2600 miles away and I seriously thought I might have a nervous break down before the week was out.
But I didn't. I did that thing Army Wives do. I just did. Now I just have to survive this one last year. I am realizing that I have this year to plan out all the things I want to do one last time before I leave this place that I think I hate so much. But maybe, I don't hate it so much. I just am through being here. I felt the same way when we were almost through being on Oahu and then the last day, when we were standing in the airport suddenly I didn't want to leave. I don't want that to be my experience here so I am going to make sure I do it all. Make all the memories I can one last time. Even though I am here alone, I'm not really alone. I have my friends and we are making memories that I love.
And then, I'm outta here. Maui, look out. You will never be the same once I get there. :)