I've just been reading through the past 6 months of blog posts here on my own lovely little blog and realizing that I have no life outside of school. This is a very sad statement of affairs.
It also makes me realize how fortunate I am to be in a place where I am able to attend school at my age, and not have to work at the same time. Lord knows I would not be able to do this. Right now, I am looking forward to the next 4 weeks off, with no school work (a first for me. In the past three years I have not gone 4 weeks without school). I am going to spend them pestering my husband and hugging on him since he will be moving to Pullman and we will only see each other on the weekends come January. This is a lose/win situation. The lose is obvious. Hubster will be an hour and a half away all week. The win is that I will not have the pressure of being a wife during the week. It is so hard to play both roles, wife and nursing student. (And let's not forget mom and Yaya.) I feel so bad all the time because I end up neglecting my family so that I can be a good student. It will be better for us if I can concentrate on school and then be happy to see him when he comes home on the weekends.
This semester has been b.r.u.t.a.l. School 5 days a week with little break during the day and then homework til all hours. I am so wiped out I can't even think straight. Hopefully next semester will be a little better...but somehow I don't think it gets any easier. I will only have two days of class time and perhaps 2 days of clinical, maybe 1 depending on the length of the clinical. But I believe the workload will be greater. And those two days are 10 hour straight through days. No breaks, just 10 minutes between 2-3 hour classes. UGH. I've said it before and I'll say it again. Nursing school isn't for sissies.
I got an iPad for next semester. I'm going to get the majority of my books on it and take my notes there to decrease the strain on my neck and shoulders. No backpack! Hopefully this will allow the my neck to heal up some and my left arm to come back to life. I am ready to have it not be numb and tingling all the time. I am IN LOVE with my iPad. Between that and my iPhone, I am ready to kick all non Apple electronics to the curb. I think my next computer purchase will be macintosh for SURE. Love Love Love.
We are in for more snow tonight. We had the snowiest November on record...and it all came during the last week of the month! It was ca-razy. You all know how I feel about snow. I am ready for summer already. Hmmm. Well that's not going to happen. Oy. I keep looking at my pics from last summer and pretending it's just around the corner. It gets me through the cold days.
Ok, I have to go get ready for the Gonzaga Faculty Christmas party. Our last one ever. Hopefully it will be lots of fun!!
Merry Christmas to you all :)